Our Programs

Come join the experience of God's glory

Available Courses

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
Date of commencement is the 8th of January, 2023 

Attendance for this Seminar series is free and at no cost to the participants.
Click Here for more about Alpha...

These sessions examine the Existence of God, God and Science, Ancient Sacrifices, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Christ. Its dynamic and engaging and runs for 8 weeks. Date is yet to be confirmed.

Attendance for this Seminar series is free and at no cost to the participants.

Please Register Below.
Exploring The Tabernacle of Moses 
We examine each piece of furniture within an 8 weekly sessions where we pursue an understanding of the Tabernacle in consideration of, in relation to and in subjection to the New Testament regarding Christian approach to God and godly living. 
Date is yet to be confirmed.

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance for this Seminar series is free and at no cost to the participants.

Please Register Below.

We look at God's primary intention for creating the marriage institution, the roles of each partner, their uniqueness and his expectations. Its a 10 week session. Recommended for those in courtship as well as married couples 
Date is yet to be confirmed.

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance for this Seminar series is free and at no cost to the participants.

Please Register Below.

Other Programs

Our Sunday Seminar Programs presently holds at 10:15am to 11:30am, through a Hybrid Structure of online and onsite. These seminars involve interactive meetings as we attempt to provide answers to honest questions employing a series of 8 to 12 weeks sessions on a chosen subject matter

Delivery method includes short video presentations, slides, group discussions and non judgemental conversations

Participants from diverse backgrounds who are inquisitive about the Christian faith, atheists, agnostics, Christians and others are all welcome to join the series presentations.

Onsite Venue:
Rapheka Online Healing Prayer Meeting is held once a month usually on the first Sunday of the month from 7 to 9 pm UK time.

The Ministers are selected from various ministries to pray for the sick as we are led

Due to the constraints of time period and limited private rooms for ministrations, Participants are kindly requested to confirm their attendance by registering at info@raphekamissions.org.uk in order to obtain the link for the program. We also welcome those who wish to only send us detailed information on healing prayer needs.
MYPLACE: 343 Dagnam Park Drive, Romford RM3 9EN, UK.


Live In Christ Alone!

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Rapheka Wellspring Christian Missions

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